Heroes Takes a Look Back in ‘Villains’

They say Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Angela Petrelli was definitely a woman scorned in Heroes’ “Villains.”

Linderman and Arthur plotting together

Linderman and Arthur plotting together

I was wondering about the little Ozzie and Harriett routine that Arthur and Angela had going on in the beginning of this episode.  They didn’t strike me as the happily ever after type.  But it made a lot more sense after we found out how Arthur was keeping Angela “in line.”

And given that tidbit, it’s easy to see how she would be so willing to kill her own husband (I always thought she did).  Many mothers will do anything to protect their children.  Ironically, by doing so, she became the matriarch of the Petrelli family and became what she hated about Arthur – willing to kill her own son(s) for the good of the plan.

However, this interesting plot was ruined by the major hole in the storyline – the part they rewrote without explanation.  In Season 1, we were told that Arthur Petrelli committed suicide.  And if I remember right, he was found in the bathroom. 

I never believed it was actual suicide, but instead murder – or attempted murder.  However, this episode didn’t even reference the earlier mention to suicide, let alone follow through with the premise.  But even more frustrating, it offered no explanation for the deviation.

I was actually really enjoying this episode until we got to that part.  Then the whole episode was ruined for me.

I don’t understand all the trouble they went to in the episode to show other connections – HRG with Mohinder, Claire saving Flint – if they were just going to completely change the story as we knew it.

However, we did get some interesting tidbits in this episode.  We learned how Arthur survived.  And we got a little more insight into his powers.  He can obviously read people – when Linderman asked him to look in to Nathan he said he saw “trouble.”  He can also apparently put thoughts in people’s head – like convincing Angela that Nathan needed to die.

Furthermore, we learned that The Company knew about Sylar from the beginning and did nothing to stop him.  In fact, they encouraged his behavior. 

And we discovered that Flint and Meredith are siblings.  I’m guessing it won’t be long before she becomes one of Arthur’s henchmen since Flint is already one.

It started out as a great episode, one of the better of the season, but flopped with an ending that just didn’t cut it for me.  And did anyone else feel like the timeline was off a bit?

What did you think about the episode?  What was your favorite new reveal?  What didn’t you like?

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6 Responses to Heroes Takes a Look Back in ‘Villains’

  1. vacelts says:

    The major plot hole regarding Arthur’s (faked) death really ruined this episode for me. You can’t change a storyline like that without explanation.

    However, this episode was a perfect example of why you shouldn’t let angry women cook.

    I liked the return of Eric Roberts. And was it me or did Elle seem nice in this episode? Was the Sylar incident what turned her bitchy?

  2. BB says:

    I don’t remember exactly, but didn’t we learn that Arthur Petrelli killed himself from an interaction between Peter and someone else? And, given that Peter wasn’t present at his father’s death, and that Angela was unwilling to let Nathan call Peter right away, isn’t it possible that she and Nathan lied to Peter, for whatever reason? Angela may simply have asked Nathan to lie, and he certainly had his own secrets from Peter; he might (unlikely, I know) have simply agreed with his mother’s request.

  3. vacelts says:

    BB, I see where you are going, but it’s a stretch. Why would you pretend it was suicide instead of a heart attack? I could see pretending suicide was a heart attack, but not vice versa.

    And if they were going to do that, they could have at least shown us the scene where they tell Peter that.

    No, it was just bad writing.

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